ESG Risks

For Fibra Danhos, the materiality study we conducted in 2021 has been the primary mean for identifying the most relevant risks for our company and for our stakeholders.

We also have policies for dealing with situations beyond our control, which we extend to all our employees and stakeholders. The short-term challenge is to identify those most likely to occur, and which may have the greatest impact on our company. We will be weighing the viability of a formal analysis of this type.

We found ten priority issues in this materiality study, which can be grouped into the two categories: environmental and governance. This served as a basis for defining our ESG Strategy.

As established in our Policy on the Environment and Climate Change (, we assume environmental responsibility from the highest level of responsibility in our Declaration on Prevention of Occupational, Environmental and Quality Risks, which encompasses the priority goals of satisfying customers, our human team and society, delivering results and creating value, among others.

To deal with climate change, we adopt a preventive approach in constructing our buildings with the aim of minimizing any negative impact on water, ground and air, properly managing liquid and solid waste and discharges, and atmospheric emissions of particles and contaminating gases.

In our day-to-day operations, we scrupulously measure consumption of energy and water, and our generation of emissions and waste in all of our properties (see the tables in the chapter entitled “Unwavering Social Responsibility”) to ensure that they comply with established targets and programs, or to take whatever remediation measures are necessary and ensure that every target is met for every one of our properties.

In matters of biodiversity, we minimize the elimination or destruction of living organisms and their habitats by rigorously planning activities and carrying out conservation practices. We would remind readers that all of our properties are located in previously affected urban areas, so no native flora or fauna is at risk. And once construction is complete, we plant native vegetation to support biodiversity in each area.