Dear investors,
In a year still marked by the lingering effects of the pandemic on our social and economic lives, Fibra Danhos kept its focus on achieving the goals we set for the year. We did remarkably well in this regard: our financial structure remained solid with low leverage; we greatly strengthened our relations with stakeholders and made noticeable progress on our Parque Tepeyac shopping center, which will open its door in the fourth quarter of 2022.
Clearly one of the year’s highlights was defining our ESG strategy. This will guide our actions in relation to ten priority material issues and direct our efforts toward reaching achievable short, medium- and long-term goals. Furthermore, understanding the impact of these material aspects on our stakeholders will be key to preserving a more open and lasting relationship with each of them.
These ten priority issues were: corporate governance, diversity and inclusion, risk and crisis management, ethics and regulatory compliance, climate change, energy, water, emissions, waste and biodiversity.
We have a solid corporate governance, consistent with the highest compliance standards and codes that guide our daily activities ethically and efficiently. We have a culture of respect for human rights which values our stakeholders, earning their trust and creating well-being for all of them.
On the matter of risk and crisis management, we are developing a methodology together with the heads of various areas to identify, assess and deploy actions to avoid, reduce, remediate or mitigate their impact. This will be then communicated to all our employees.
Another of the key areas addressed by our ESG strategy is diversity, gender equity and inclusion. We aspire to develop an inclusive culture in which our people value diversity in the broadest sense of the word, where they feel respected and inspired to realize their full potential. Equity and inclusion also foster innovation and creativity. Our approach, which is grounded in the principle of equality, recognizes the importance of ensuring equal access to opportunity for all people, and of valuing their differences.
Regarding climate change management, we recognize the magnitude of the risk this represents, so in 2021 we conducted an internal analysis focused on the four thematic areas that are central to our operations according to the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Our Code of Ethics, which is the clear expression of our ESG policy, is a fundamental tool for our operations. Sustained by our vision, mission and values, the code contains principles that will guide our conduct toward stakeholders, addressing issues like financial controls and record-keeping, inside information, corruption and bribery, conflicts of interest and others. It also codifies the right to report any action that violates our principles.
We were able to improve energy, water, waste and biodiversity metrics in 2021, reducing all our key readings against the more comparable base year of 2019: water consumption by 43%, waste generation 25%, hazardous waste generation 45%; scope 1 emissions, 49% and scope 2 emissions 34%.
For the fourth year, we have prepared this report in keeping with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and the indicators developed by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) for the real-estate industry. All of this confirms our financial, social and environmental responsibility focused on ESG aspects.
Additionally, as signatories of the United Nations Global Compact since 2019, we support the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly the seven of them that directly apply to us, so this report also serves as our second Communication of Progress (CoP).
One of the year’s highlights was defining our ESG strategy, which will guide us in reaching achievable short, medium- and long-term goals.
These efforts earned us various recognitions last year:
All of this proves our unwavering commitment to becoming an increasingly solid company, recognized for our strict adherence to ESG parameters. We are confident that the strategic changes of the year will guide our course as we aspire to be increasingly sustainable, in keeping with our ESG principles and strategies, able to respond to the needs of all our stakeholders.
Jonathan Cherem Daniel