
Dear investors,

I am pleased to share with you, for the sixth year in a row, the Annual Integrated Report for Fibra Danhos, in which we describe how we met our environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) commitments, as well as our progress and new strategic projects for 2023. We made considerable progress in ESG issues during the year, which attests to our ongoing commitment to advancing steadily toward our goal of generating value in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner.

One major milestone of the year was the development of a Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework, under which we will be able to issue bonds or secure loans that are labeled as sustainability-linked (SLBs and SLLs). As an integral part of our ESG strategy, we align our sources of financing with our principles, generating a positive impact on the environment and society.

On this basis, and aware of the centrality of sustainable finance as a driver of change, we issued our first sustainability-linked bond in the third quarter of the year. Its terms are linked to the percentage of our portfolio area under our operational control that is certified as LEED Gold or Platinum in operation and maintenance. We obtained three new LEED v4.1 O+M interior certifications from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), a significant step forward on our journey toward sustainable construction and operation. Also, at the end of the fourth quarter of the year, we began installing photovoltaic cells in our portfolio, with an installed capacity of 6,021 kWp, which will supply approximately 20% of our operations with clean energy and reduce our carbon footprint by 3,795 tCO2e annually.

Another milestone was our incursion into the industrial and hotel sector, with two projects now under development: an industrial warehouse in Mexico State, and a luxury hotel in one of the most exclusive locations in Quintana Roo. In both projects, as in the rest of our properties, we incorporate socio-environmental criteria and solutions and systems for measuring and mitigating our impact at all stages of development and operation.

On the social front, we continued our determined efforts to guarantee an inclusive environment for all people, standing firm on our principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in corporate culture. This was expressed in clear actions last year, including a commitment under the Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework to increase the proportion of women in decision-making positions, i.e., at management and leadership levels, to at least 45% by 2034. This year, 48% of promotions went to women employees, and we also introduced a Comprehensive Program for Gender Equality.

To detect our exposure to the risk of human rights violations in our own operations and the activities that take place in our properties, we engaged an independent constant to perform a diagnostic study. The results revealed areas of opportunity and necessary actions to prevent, eradicate or mitigate any conduct that could jeopardize the human rights of our employees, visitors or other stakeholders.

The corporate governance of Fibra Danhos is supported by the experience, capacity and professional prestige of ESG Committee members, who elevate the implementation of our ESG strategy to the highest executive level of the organization by aligning it with the goals and objectives of the Technical Committee. It is also strengthened by actions such as our participation in international questionnaires such as the S&P Global and CDP CSA, our membership in the ESG Committee of AMEFIBRA and the Sustainability Committee of the Mexican Stock Exchange.

A major milestone last year was the start of installation of solar panels that will supply 20% of our energy from renewable sources.

Parque Tepeyac

In relations with our stakeholders, we address their concerns promptly and maintain a transparent and specific dialogue with each group through various channels.

Furthermore, we strictly apply the highest international standards of ethics, follow IFRS guidelines, reporting under SASB standards and in accordance with S1 and S2 disclosure regulations. We also prepare our reports with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) recommendations and incorporate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) as well as the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.

Always mindful of our relations with stakeholders, we address their concerns promptly and maintain a transparent and specific dialogue with each group through various channels. This allows us to better understand their expectations and interests, build credibility and trust. This relationship in turn helps us to inculcate best ESG practices throughout our value chain, specifically in our portfolio of suppliers, who we encourage to include social and environmental criteria in all their operations. We are particularly interested in the well-being of our tenants, so we have a comprehensive program for monitoring their health and wellness.

One last milestone I would like to mention is our tenth anniversary as a publicly traded company. It has without a doubt been a decade full of challenges and satisfaction. With the efforts and support of our employees and Technical Committee, and based on the response of our other stakeholders, we are confident that these ten years have laid solid foundations for many projects and achievements ahead, always mindful of the principles and values that have made us a benchmark in our industry.


Jonathan Cherem Daniel

Parque Puebla