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Corporate ethics

Code of Ethics

At Fibra Danhos, the Code of Ethics, is a fundamental tool for our operations. It is available on our website for consultation by employees, tenants, suppliers, guests and any related party.

The code’s purpose is to avoid actions that are inappropriate or affect Fibra Danhos’ capacity to fulfill its goals and pursue its interests and businesses, or actions of any kind that affect the safety of our people or prevent them from getting along in a healthy manner.

Fibra Danhos’ employees must act ethically both in their professional and personal lives, with the common goal of maintaining the good reputation and trust of the company, which creates competitive and sustainable advantages. The performance appraisal systems for employees integrate both compliance and codes of conduct, ensuring an ethical and productive work environment.


  • Respect for the law
  • Integrity and ethics
  • Respect for human rights
  • Preserving the good reputation of Fibra Danhos and Administradora Fibra Danhos
  • Loyalty and no conflicts of interest


  • Safe work environment
  • Equal opportunities and non-discrimination
  • Inclusion and diversity
  • Professional development and training
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Eradication of child and forced labor
  • Right of free association*

*We recognize the right to free association, although Fibra Danhos at present has no unionized employees and thus is not a party to any collective representation or bargaining agreements.



Corruption and bribery

We adhere to the highest ethical standards, and these are expressed in our Anticorruption Policy, which sets forth the organization’s guidelines for the prevention, detection and reporting of acts of corruption and money laundering that may occur within Fibra Danhos.

In 2023, Fibra Danhos did not make any direct or indirect monetary contributions to political campaigns or organizations, lobbying groups, trade associations or other tax-exempt groups for the purpose of influencing political campaigns or legislation.


  • Offering or accepting bribes to or from public officials or private individuals.
  • Offering or accepting facilitation payments to initiate or expedite administrative processes or procedures.
  • Offering or accepting gifts and hospitality to or from any third party that contravenes the provisions of this Policy.
  • Making political contributions in Fibra Danhos’ name.
  • Obtaining favorable treatment in return for sponsorships or donations.
  • Failing to comply with applicable laws or regulations regarding public tenders.
  • Establishing business relations with other parties who do not meet their obligation to provide due diligence in their own dealings.
  • Transacting business on behalf of a third party who is prohibited by law from direct involvement in the business.
  • Forming an agreement with an outside party to obtain an improper advantage.
  • Performing transactions with resources of illegal origin.

Protocol for Preventing, Addressing and Eradicating Workplace Violence.

This Protocol seeks to establish actions to implement procedures to prevent, address and eradicate cases of violence arising from the labor relationship, including mobbing harassment, harassment and sexual harassment.


  • To provide a mechanism for assisting victims of workplace violence.
  • To promote an organizational culture of gender equality and an environment favorable to the eradication of workplace violence.


Dignity and defense of the individual

A healthy, harmonious environment

Equal opportunities


Due diligence

No revictimization

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Violations of the Code of Ethics

We are vigilant about compliance with our Code of Ethics, and we take a preventive approach by providing our employees tools for reporting any breach of this Code or bringing any concern to us. These tools include our Ethics line, managed by an independent firm called Ethics Global, a world-class company dedicated to ethical grievance mechanisms, guaranteeing that each situation is dealt with impartially.

We also engage the services of an independent auditor, guaranteeing full transparency in the handling of each case. We consider inclusion, diversity, job equality and nondiscrimination as core to the strategies of Fibra Danhos. We are continually updating our institutional policies to promote and guarantee equal opportunities for men and women, nondiscrimination in access to jobs, and prevention, addressing and eradicating sexual harassment and bullying, in defense of human rights as established in our Human Rights Guiding Principles and Policy.

There were no incidents reported through Ethics line in 2023, nor were there any sanctions or legal actions for anti-competitive or monopolistic conduct or for unfair competition.

SCOPE OF Ethics line
  • Employees
  • Suppliers
  • Tenants
  • Clients
  • Any other party directly or indirectly related to Fibra Danhos

During the year, the number of cases received by Ethics line increased, mainly because of our efforts to publicize the availability of whistleblowing channels. In a 2022 survey, we found that many employees were not aware of the whistleblower channels or the process for handling cases received through Ethics line. In response, the Human Capital area undertook the task of creating a campaign not just through virtual media but also through training to all employees on the reporting channels and the importance of speaking up when they encounter unfair situations, thus opening this channel of trust and communication in which they will be heard, assisted and protected whenever they require it.

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Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is responsible for providing the necessary follow-up and resolving on each case received by the ethics line. The committee is comprised of the CFO, the CAO, Legal Director and Human Capital Director.

First, cases are referred to an external consultant to ascertain whether there is any conflict of interest with any member of the Ethics Committee before submitting the case. In the event of a conflict of interest with any member, that member may not participate in the process or resolution of the case. The external consultant is an occupational psychologist, who monitors the emotional health of those involved in each case.

Parque Virreyes

The Ethics Committee, made up of a diverse team of senior executives and advised by an independent consultant, is responsible for processing and deciding on cases received by Ethics line.