3-3, 401-1, 404-2

Talent recruitment and retention

We are committed to providing our employees with the skills, knowledge, and tools they need to do their jobs well and to help them grow and develop. By creating a more inclusive work culture, we attract the best talent, improve employee retention, and build a more diverse and innovative workforce.

Turnover rate 20.37% Voluntary turnover ratio 20.11%
Involuntary turnover rate 0.26%

Performance evaluations
We have installed a performance evaluation software to support the personal development of each employee, ensure comprehensive management of work teams, and increase employee satisfaction.

Performance evaluations include:

  • Predefined and measurable goals, both personal and collective.
  • 360° feedback.
  • Conversations and continuous feedback.

Performance evaluations are carried out on an ongoing basis according to the time frame of the goals and the needs of each area.

Torre Virreyes

Total employees hired during the year:


In order to foster the professional development of our employees, of the 95 vacancies during the year, 28% were filled by internal candidates. Of these, 48% were women.



General employee benefits

Competitive annual base salary.

Major medical expense insurance: Insured amount up to MXN40,000,000 for each event.

Life insurance: Covers 12 months’ salary in the event of death, as well as double indemnity for accidental death and dismemberment.

Complementary profit-sharing of up to one month’s salary.

Savings fund: a percentage of each employee’s nominal salary which is matched by the company.

Access to emotional health care by a specialist psychologist who conducts group studies and provides training and personal consultations when required.

Parental leave: Maternity and paternity leave. Option of flexible schedules for an established period at the end of maternity leave. Access to breastfeeding time for new mothers.

Partnerships with fitness centers and medical testing labs that offer preferential discounts to Administradora Fibra Danhos’ employees.


Rewarding loyalty

  • Every year, we raffle off cars to employees. This year, ten cars were given away. All employees who have been with the company for more than three years can participate, but their chances of winning increase according to the number of years they have been with the company.
  • We offer recognition gifts for each five-year period that an employee spends in the Danhos family, starting at ten years.

One of the year’s biggest events was the opening of an aquarium and cultural center at Parque Tepeyac. To celebrate this achievement we held a pre-opening celebration, open to all employees and their families and friends.



Job satisfaction
It is very important that we know how our people feel about their work, because it allows us to find points of agreement and areas of opportunity to build a motivated, committed team. To this end, over the course of last year we conducted a job satisfaction survey to measure metrics such as motivation, happiness and stress levels.

of employees feel satisfied with their work.

of employees do not feel high levels of stress at work.

of employees feel motivated in their jobs.

of employees feel happy during most of their workday.

Parque Virreyes

Knowing how our people feel allows us to take actions that are more in line with their expectations and the company’s needs.