3-3,303-1, 303-2, 303-3, 303-5, 2-27, IF-RE-140a.1, IF-RE-140a.2, IF-RE-140a.3, IF-RE-140a.4


Aware that most of our developments are located in the highly water-stressed region of the Mexico City metropolitan area, we are constantly monitoring and tracking our impact and taking steps to significantly reduce our water consumption.

In 2023, the organization’s total water consumption was 994.83 Megaliters (Ml), which breaks down as follows:

Total: 994.83 Ml

  Water consumption 2023 (Ml) Water efficiency
Offices 18,339.80 0.26
Shopping centers 84,114.36 0.12
Mixed use 92,047.20 0.12

We have reduced our water consumption by approximately 13% relative to our base year.

Parque Las Antenas

In most of our properties, we have wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) for use in toilets, irrigation of green areas, and cooling towers. The quality of treated water is ensured through strict compliance with Mexican Official Standard NOM-003-ECOL-1997, which establishes the maximum permissible limits for wastewater intended for reuse, which guarantees an appropriate standard of treatment and ensures environmental preservation. Of the total water consumed, the wastewater treatment plants at our properties treated the following amounts:

Total water treated 589
Treated water reused 313
Percentage of treated water reused 53%

In addition, our water discharges meet the quality standards required by law, according to the maximum allowable limits established in NOM-002-ECOL-1996 and NADF-015-AGUA-2009.

Water consumption intensity (Ml/m2)


* The reduction in 2020, 2021 and 2022 was due to the closure and/or curtailment of activities due to the pandemic.


3-3, 303-1, 303-2, IF-RE-410a.3

Efficient management of water consumption
Our water efficiency efforts range from evaluating and reducing consumption to improving wastewater quality, establishing concrete goals and promoting awareness among our employees.

1. Water use evaluations
We monitor, measure and analyze our water consumption on a monthly basis to promptly detect possible leaks or events that increase our consumption.

2. Reduction goals
We set concrete targets on water use reduction so that we can measure and assess our progress on an ongoing basis.

3. Water reuse
The water treated at our treatment plants is used for toilets, watering green areas, and cooling towers. In many cases we treat more water than we reuse, and the surplus is returned to the municipal system at a quality that exceeds the regulatory minimum.

4. Separate metering
In order to encourage our tenants to manage their water consumption more responsibly, each premise has a meter and each tenant is responsible for covering the corresponding cost. This encourages them to reduce their water consumption, both for environmental and operating cost reasons.

5. Awareness campaigns
We have awareness campaigns for our employees and for tenants and visitors, in which we encourage responsible and sustainable water management practices.

Parque Puebla