SASB Index

Sustainability Disclosure Topics & Accounting Metrics
Topic Accounting metric Code Direct response
Energy Management Energy consumption data coverage as a percentage of total floor area, by property subsector IF-RE-130a.1 In 2023, the coverage of energy consumption data with respect to the total portfolio of properties whose operations we control was 100%.
(1) Total energy consumed by portfolio area with data coverage, (2) percentage grid electricity, and (3) percentage renewable, by property subsector IF-RE-130a.2 1) 194,501.36 GJ, 2) 98.54%, 3) 1.01%.
Like-for-like percentage change in energy consumption for the portfolio area with data coverage, by property subsector IF-RE-130a.3 Energy consumption rose 16% from 2022 to 2023. However, it was 6% lower than in our base year of 2019.
Percentage of eligible portfolio that (1) has an energy rating and (2) is certified to ENERGY STAR, by property subsector IF-RE-130a.4 ENERGY STAR is not a valid certification in Mexico, but 72% of our office portfolio has LEED certification.
Description of how building energy management considerations are integrated into property investment analysis and operational strategy IF-RE-130a.5 See pp. 32, 46, 47, 51 and 57.
Water Management Water withdrawal data coverage as a percentage of (1) total floor area and (2) floor area in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress, by property subsector IF-RE-140a.1 The coverage of water consumption data with respect to the total portfolio of properties whose operations we control was 100%. In 2023, all of our portfolio was located in very high water stressed regions (p. 48).
(1) Total water withdrawn by portfolio area with data coverage and (2) percentage in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress, by property subsector IF-RE-140a.2 1) See p. 48.
2) In 2023, all of our portfolio was located in very high water stressed regions.
Like-for-like percentage change in water withdrawn for portfolio area with data coverage, by property subsector IF-RE-140a.3 See p. 48.
Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those rsks IF-RE-140a.4 See pp. 32, 48 and 56.
Management of Tenant Sustainability Impacts Percentage of tenants that are separately metered or submetered for (1) grid electricity consumption and (2) water withdrawals, by property subsector IF-RE-410a.2 See p. 89.
Discussion of approach to measuring, incentivizing, and improving sustainability impacts of tenants IF-RE-410a.3 See pp. 45, 49, 58, 63, 73 and 89.
Climate Change Adaptation Area of properties located in 100-year flood zones, by property subsector IF-RE-450a.1 See p. 55.
  Description of climate change risk exposure analysis, degree of systematic portfolio exposure, and strategies for mitigating risks IF-RE-450a.2 See Climate Strategy, pp. 54-57
Parámetros de actividad
Number of assets, by property subsector IF-RE-000.A 7 retail, 4 office and 4 mixed-use.
Leasable floor area, by property subsector IF-RE-000.B 481,334 m2 retail, 123,715 m2 office and 378,131 m2 mixed-use.
Average occupancy rate, by property subsector IF-RE-000.D 93.3% commercial, 75.2% office and 84.9% mixed-use.