2-27, 403-1, 403-2, 403-6, 403-7, 403-9, 403-10

Occupational health and safety

Occupational health and safety programs

  • Weekly occupational health and safety training for operating and maintenance staff.
  • Use of the AIM platform to ensure a safety standard through checklists.
  • Regular safety inspections by the operations and maintenance managers of each property.
  • Verification and supervision by the paramedic team of the enforcement of safety rules for work at heights or any other high-risk activity.
  • Paramedic service for initial medical attention in our corporate offices and in the buildings.
  • Occupational risk manual for each property.
  • Work environment survey as recommended by NOM-035, identification of psychosocial risks.
  • Security, maintenance and operations team conduct rounds of the property, both in private and public areas, to verify proper operation.

We promote safe and healthy spaces, and insist that employees who may be exposed to risk respect the guidelines to prevent incidents and achieve a culture of occupational health and safety.

At each workplace, we have safety scorecards for monitoring the accident rate in order to encourage maintenance personnel to follow all safety rules and keep up a positive record of accident-free days. Last year there were no fatalities and only minor incidents.

List of occupational hazards with a risk of serious injury:

  • Working at heights
  • Handling of solvents
  • Working in confined spaces
  • Electrical work
  • High voltage work
  • Welding work
  • Use of cutting tools
Number of incapacitating workplace accidents 8
Absences due to general illness 54
Absence rate 3%
Number of fatalities
Internal employees 0
External employees 0
Lost-time injury rate (for every 1,000,000 hours worked)  
Internal employees 9.6
External employees 5.08

Under our Occupational Health and Safety Program, we reduced occupational incidents by 55% from 2022.