2-6, 204-1, 308-2, 414-2

Supply chain management

Our suppliers are our key allies, which is why we worked throughout the year to involve them in our ESG strategy. Supply chain excellence is a source of strength, so we are continually exploring ways to manage it, strengthening our relationship with suppliers in order to reduce potential risks and expand our sphere of influence.


The Supplier Code of Conduct establishes our commitments and approach to our suppliers. With this policy, in addition to the Code of Ethics, we seek to:

Secure a commitment throughout the entire procurement and sourcing process at Fibra Danhos.

Encourage suppliers to meet basic standards or criteria of sustainability and social responsibility, including issues related to human rights, labor, health, occupational safety, environmental and ethical issues.

Publicize and promote awareness and application of the Principles of the United Nations Global Compact among suppliers and contractors.

Critical suppliers
In 2023 we had 494 suppliers, 25 of which are considered critical. These constitute a portfolio of companies that are essential for our properties’ performance, which provide specialized services in their respective fields and have a significant impact on our operation, since they guarantee the service offered and the quality of the property. For each of these, the risk of interruption or failure of the service they provide us entails substantial risk and a potentially tangible financial, legal, regulatory and operational impact.

Security and property protection 18.85 Mexico
Comprehensive cleaning 11.78 Mexico
Maintenance of vertical equipment 4.17 Mexico
CCTV system maintenance 0.99 Mexico
Cleaning at heights 1.74 Mexico
Maintenance of air conditioning equipment 1.05 Mexico
Waste collection 0.71 Mexico

critical supplier services


MXN414.63 million in critical supplier services.


2-6,308-1, 308-2, 414-1,414-2

All of our critical suppliers have provided excellent service for a number of years and have been selected and confirmed through standardized, transparent processes of quality, profitability, technical competence and due diligence that incorporates ethical and social responsibility principles.

To prevent any illegal acts and ensure business continuity through excellent services provided to our tenants and visitors, we carefully select suppliers and require them to:

  • Carry out a due diligence process based on Mexico’s subcontracting reform initiative.
  • Comply with procurement practices that are continuously reviewed to ensure alignment with the Supplier Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics, in order to avoid potential conflicts with environmental, social, and corporate governance requirements.
  • Observe the minimum compliance requirements, on penalty of loss of their contract.
  • Attend supplier contract clauses regarding good practices and social responsibility commitments.

rejected for ESG reasons


Parque Las Antenas


Furthermore, to involve suppliers in our supply chain analysis, we carried out several initiatives.

We involved suppliers in the analysis of human rights impact and risks. We interviewed 238 employees of suppliers and contractors to detect human rights violations, both of the suppliers themselves and of any direct or indirect impact by Fibra Danhos.

We conduct a supplier evaluation every two years that covers environmental, social and corporate governance criteria, analyzing their sustainability performance and assigning them a risk rating.

We created a joint training program based on the results of the analysis, which will be given by an external consultant and human rights expert in 2024; this will become an ongoing training exercise for suppliers and contractors.

31 employees from different suppliers participated in the Sustainable Assistance Program (PAS) offered by the Mexican Stock Exchange, to strengthen the areas of opportunity identified in the 2022 supplier ESG assessment. The program included topics taught by experts on ESG risks, corporate governance, materiality, sustainable finance and ESG communication.