2-29, 3-3, IF-RE-410a.3

Diversity and inclusion

At Fibra Danhos, our mission is to create, operate and innovate iconic real estate properties that transform Mexico’s urban areas. We are aware that, to achieve this, we need to consistently reflect the society we want to build: a just society, one that leaves no one behind and does not make decisions for the community without the community’s participation.

Comprehensive gender equality program
We know that the road to gender equality is challenging, but it is in our hands to make sure that it is not a long one. In 2023 we pledged, within our Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework, to increase the proportion of women in decision-making positions to at least 45% by 2034, considering management and leadership levels.

In order to achieve this goal, we have introduced a comprehensive gender equality program that involves policy updates, employee training, a measurement and monitoring system, and alignment with international standards of best practices in this area.

Proportion of women in decision-making positions

Progress in 2023

  • New Diversity and Inclusion Policy covering the recruitment process, behavior in the work environment, and salaries and benefits.
  • New Technical Committee Member Selection Policy mandating the use of gender equality criteria in selecting new members.
  • Annual survey to monitor internal perceptions of gender equality.
  • Training program provided by experts allied with Mujeres en Finanzas foundation (MEF). The program consists of a series of talks covering a variety of topics from a gender perspective: from how to foster healthy relationships to how to detect and prevent cases of labor discrimination due to pregnancy. This program is being given to all employees of Administradora Fibra Danhos.
  • Participation in the Symbolic Signing of the Commitment to the Women’s Empowerment Principles of the Global Compact and UN Women.

LGBTQ Community
At Fibra Danhos we are aware of our responsibility to provide a safe, judgment-free space for recreation, getting together, or professional advancement.

Although we know that our responsibility, not only during Pride month but throughout the year, goes beyond placing flags on our properties, we decided to use these symbols as a reminder that every person who visits us will always be welcome in our facilities, regardless of their identity or orientation.

Other progress made in the area of diversity during the year included:

  • At the initiative of the Torre Virreyes tenants, a Diversity and Inclusion subcommittee was created within the property’s ESG committee.
  • At the initiative of Bank of America, a guided tour of the Museum of Memory and Tolerance was given to Torre Virreyes tenants.
  • Spaces for dialogue and activism were created among Fibra Danhos tenants to address issues of diversity and inclusion.
  • We made an annual donation to the John Langdon Down Foundation A.C. to promote educational, medical and psychological care for children, adolescents and adults with Down syndrome and their families.

Torre Virreyes