
Attracting and retaining talent

GRI 401, 405, 406: 103-1, 103-2, 103-3

Human Capital is of vital importance to Fibra Danhos; having the best available personnel is an essential factor for improving profitability and achieving our objectives.

For this reason, we attract and retain the most competent and professional employees through everyday recognition of their skills and competence, and by reinforcing our values.

Our personnel Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Policy sets the guidelines for these procedures which are centered on assessing the knowledge and skills of each candidate while avoiding any form of discrimination owing to gender, age, disability, and sexual orientation, among other factors.

Given our firm commitment to employee growth, we prioritize filling job openings with the Fibra’s candidates. We conduct evaluations and call on our employees to fill those jobs. In doing so, we assess profile, knowledge, and psychometrics, as well as the candidate’s performance and track record.

102-4, 102-7, 102-8, 405-1

208 employees

in Mexico City and Puebla

Breakdown of personnel by gender

Women (139)

Men (69)



Breakdown of personnel by age group

18-29 years

30-39 years

40-49 years

50-59 years

60-69 years






Breakdown of personnel by type of contract





Breakdown of personnel by gender

Women (139)

Men (69)



Breakdown of personnel by age group

18-29 years

30-39 years

40-49 years

50-59 years

60-69 years






Breakdown of personnel by type of contract





Women occupy 50%
of senior management positions.

102-41, 401-2

In order to retain the best talent, we offer competitive benefit plans that exceed the requirements established by law, thus contributing to the improvement our employees’ quality of life. Moreover, all our employees are non-union workers1; thus, we provide them with the corresponding benefits and the best working spaces and conditions conducive to their personal and professional development.

1  Fibra Danhos employees do not have a workers’ union or syndicate.

In April 2018, the “Administradora” Fibra Danhos Staff Savings Fund was established, which corresponds to a contribution equivalent to 10% of the nominal salary of each employee, paid according to the provisions of the law, and an equivalent contribution from the Fibra. The contributions in the savings fund were distributed as follows:

Savings Fund Contribution made by collaborators Contribution made by Fibra Danhos Total Amount
Exercise 2018
$3,145,343.22 $3,145,343.22 $6,290,686.44

Savings Fund
Exercise 2018 (April-December)
Contribution made by collaborators
Contribution made by Fibra Danhos
Total Amount

In 2016 we implemented the Insurance for Major Medical Expenses to all our employees, currently with an insured sum of $40,000,000.00 for each event presented. In 2018, the total investment in this benefit amounted to $2,958,629.88 pesos. We also have life insurance for all employees, the insurance premium during 2018 was $106,248.44 pesos and offers 12-month salary coverage in case of the death of any of our employees.

Derived from our commitment to our employees and their families, in July 2018 during the “back to school” period, we provided support through the delivery of backpacks and school supply kits, with a total investment of $48,200 pesos.

In addition, salaries are set according to the level of responsibility and duties of the position; in this way we achieve equal opportunity and fulfill our goals.


Average salary of women in senior management positions is 1.46% below that of men; in manager positions, 27.92%; while personnel with operational positions have equal average salaries.

Moreover, every year we evaluate each employee’s performance. An initial evaluation is made of newly hired personnel to determine whether they should be offered an open-ended contract.

During 2018, we conducted performance evaluations of 82% of our personnel, 6.5% of whom were promoted.


For purposes of improving our working environment, each year we conduct a work climate survey. In 2018, 53% of participating employees cited improved benefits, more training, and increased communications across areas of the Fibra as their main concerns.


Thanks to the outstanding working environment we have created, we maintain a very low turnover rate; this bears witness to the success of our retention strategy. In 2018, we recorded 42 employees hired and 33 employees terminated, for a 15.42% turnover rate.

Turnover by gender









Turnover by age group

18-29 years



30-39 years



40-49 years



50-59 years




The total amount of investment in superior benefits for our employees was $9,403,764.76 pesos.



We strive to train our collaborators to offer them the necessary tools for their personal development. We promote cultural diversity and the defense of Human Rights, ensuring equality and non-discrimination in all our processes and operations. During 2018 we did not identify any case of discrimination.

In 2018, we organized discussions and talks about gender equality, human rights, ethics and integrity, health and safety, and development of talent management skills. We conducted a work climate survey through which we identified the training needs of our employees and defined a strategy for focusing on skills such as teamwork, leadership, effective communication and emotional intelligence in 2019.

In 2018 we offered our employees the five courses shown below:

Course Duration (hours) Aimed at Trained employees
Introduction to SAP 8.0 Employees at corporate headquarters 29
Protection Equipment Use; How to fill out the TSI 2.3 Operational employees 150
Teamwork integration 8.0 Managers and assistant managers 66
Stellar service workshop 12.0 Receptionists and operational assistant managers 50
Induction: Code of Ethics, Policies and Social Responsibility 2.0 All employees 60
Totales 32.3   355

355 employees

trained in 2018.

Average of

18 hours

of training per employee in 2018.

Investment of

$168,200 pesos,

for training in 2018.

In addition, during 2018 we partnered with Bancomer to provide financial education to our employees through financial workshops dealing with issues such as secure banking options and personal finances.

Fibra Danhos is profitable and upstanding with a variety of short- and medium-term projects. Our people are our most important asset. We are a great place in which to work and grow.

Our goal is to standardize and streamline human capital procedures in order to improve talent management.

Health and safety

We know that excellence in our service depends in large part on the efforts of our employees to achieve impeccable quality in their daily work. For this reason, we believe it is highly important to focus our efforts on their health and safety.

At corporate offices and properties, we provide our employees with the initial medical care of paramedic services. At all properties we also have civil protection programs and internal brigade committees –trained in first aid, firefighting, evacuations, search and rescue– in the event of any contingencies at such facilities. In addition, all employees must take an induction course that covers the protocol to be followed in case of accidents, event reporting and emergency contact.

Any deficiencies in this regard are reported to the Human Capital Unit, which along with Senior Management reviews any occupational hazard, its causes and the solution.

In 2018, we conducted two medical campaigns regarding visual health.

Due to the nature of our industry, our employees are not exposed to high risk accidents. During 2018 we registered 33 incapacitating accidents, derived from trips to our properties and / or homes2, that is equivalent to 180 days of absenteeism or to 1,620 hours. In 2018, the total hours worked were 473,616, while the total hours worked considering absenteeism were 471,996. Our non-worked days rate was 1.42%, equivalent to 844 days; In order to reduce the number of non-worked days, we aim to decrease the number of absences by employees by 10% by 2019.

2  There were no fatal incidents.

The accident rate in Fibra Danhos in 2018 was 0.00699%, equivalent to 69.92 accidents considering 1,000,000 hours worked.

We work continuously to achieve a zero-accident rate in our operations.