(2-24, 3-3, 205-1, 205-2, 408-1)
Code of Ethics
One of the fundamental tools we have in our operations at Fibra Danhos is our Code of Ethics, which is published through our website and is applicable to employees, tenants, suppliers, guests and any other related party.
The objective of this Code is to avoid inappropriate actions, or those that run contrary to the pursuit of Fibra Danhos’ goals objectives, interests and business, as well as actions of any kind that affect the safety and healthy coexistence of company employees.
Fibra Danhos personnel must act ethically in their different spaces, both professional and personal, sharing the goal of preserving the company’s good reputation and trust, generating competitive and sustainable advantages.
Parque Vía Vallejo
(3-3, 2-24, 205-1, 205-2)
Corruption and bribery
We abide by the strictest ethical standards, which is expressed in our Anticorruption Policy, the purpose of which is to establish guidelines for the entire organization regarding prevention, detection and reporting of acts of corruption and money-laundering that may take place within the company.
This protocol was created to establish procedures for preventing, addressing and eradicating cases of violence that take place within the labor relationship, including bullying and sexual harassment.
Violations of the Code of Ethics (2-16, 2-24, 2-26, 2-27, 406-1)
We are vigilant about compliance with our code of ethics, and we take a preventive approach by providing our employees tools for reporting any breach of this code or bringing any concern to us. These tools include our Línea Ética hotline, managed by an independent firm called EthicsGlobal, a world-class company dedicated to ethical grievance mechanisms, guaranteeing that each situation is dealt with impartially.
Grievance channels
We also engage the services of an independent auditor, guaranteeing full transparency in the handling of each case. We consider inclusion, diversity, job equality and nondiscrimination as core to the strategies of Fibra Danhos. We updated our institutional policies in 2022 in order to promote and guarantee equal opportunities for men and women, nondiscrimination in access to jobs, and prevention, addressing and eradicating sexual harassment and bullying, in defense of human rights as established in our Human Rights Guiding Principles and Policy.
Parque Vía Vallejo
There were no incidents reported through Línea Ética in 2022, nor were there any sanctions or legal actions for anti-competitive or monopolistic conduct or for unfair competition.