Our employees

(102-7, 102-8, 405-1)

Despite the adversities the pandemic brought to our work last year, Grupo Danhos remains convinced that this company’s success depends on its ability to have talented people working in line with the business strategy and values.

That is why our prime concern last year was to protect the health and safety of our 215 employees and fully support them in this critical time.

During the time when our employees were assigned to work from home, we created a work system that required the rental of computer equipment, deploying a virtual private network to work securely, and providing safe transport in Uber for people who had to go to the office from time to time, always in keeping with this strictest sanitary measures. These measures cost the company a total of $1,748,067 pesos.

Total employees 2020: 215

Employees by gender

Men: 70

Women: 145

By age group:


30-39 years

40-49 years

50-59 years

60-69 years

18-29 years


30-39 years

40-49 years

50-59 years

60-69 years

18-29 years


30-39 years

40-49 years

50-59 years

60-69 years

18-29 years


30-39 years

40-49 years

50-59 years

60-69 years

18-29 years

Ten employees hold management positions, six men and four women

Talent recruitment and retention


Our Personnel Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Policy (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/reclutamiento_seleccion_integracion_personal_en.pdf) establishes the guidelines for these processes, which focus on valuation of the candidates’ knowledge and skills and prohibit any type of discrimination.

Due to our unwavering commitment to the advancement of all employees, we try to fill vacancies internally, giving them a stronger sense of recognition and belonging. We usually conduct evaluations and post job offerings, in which we weigh the job qualifications, knowledge and psychometrics of each candidate as well as their performance and career.

In 2020 there was a freeze on new jobs and hiring between March and October, so there were no changes in these indicators.

We have an Occupational Safety Policy (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/prevencion_riesgos_laborales_calidad_ambiente_en.pdf) that guarantees compliance with health and safety laws and regulations, ensuring that our employees have healthy, safe workplaces and that we minimize the risks associated with the daily activities of each of them.


Because of the situation last year, performance evaluations were carried out using the Activity Watch application, a software for monitoring activities and frequency of network use and remote connection, which measures employees’ time online.

This app showed us that our employees kept up their performance levels and commitment in the home office setting.

Salary and benefits

(102-35, 102-36, 102-41, 103-2, 103-3, 201-1, 201-3)

We have a comprehensive compensation plan and competitive benefits that exceed the regulatory minimum, which we are confident will enable us to retain the best talent and help improve their quality of life. We link raises and promotions to the individual capacity, performance and merits of each employee and we guarantee our employees safe, healthy and sustainable workplaces. All of our staff is full-time, and their salaries are determined according to the responsibilities and duties of each position.

In all of our properties we have civil defense programs.


Men Women Salary difference
Senior management level 6 4 Women +3%
Managerial level 19 9 Women +22%
Fibra Danhos Corporate 46 132 Men +2%

At present we have our own internal salary table, but we are working with AMEFIBRA on a common table for the industry, based on a survey that will be conducted in 2021.

As you can see, except at the managerial level, where women earn considerably more on average, salaries for the other two levels are virtually equal. The differences are due to the type of position and professional experience of employees.

Note that despite the difficulties of the past year our employees’ salaries and benefits remained the same. Also during the year, we designed a Labor Diversity, Inclusion, Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/diversidad_inclusion_igualdad_no_discriminiacion_en.pdf), which will serve as the basis for a study to reduce wage gaps in 2021.


In addition to competitive remuneration, we offer benefits like an employee savings fund, made up of payroll deductions of 10% of each employee’s nominal salary, matched by the company, and major medical insurance covering $40 million pesos per event. In 2020, the total premium for this benefit was $3,405,713.44. We also offer life insurance for all employees, covering 12 months of their salary in the event of their death, and double indemnity for accidental death and dismemberment. All of this is stipulated in our Compensation Policy (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/politica_compensaciones_en.pdf)

Another benefit, which we provided on a discretional basis in 2020, is complementary profit-sharing: if the employees’ salary exceeds their corresponding share of the profits, we complement that amount so that it is equivalent to at least one month of their salary. All of these benefits and remuneration were maintained despite the financial difficulties of the past year.


We also offer maternity and paternity leave and nursing time for mothers, according to the Federal Labor Law. In 2020, three employees took maternity leave and five took paternity leave. All of these employees returned to work after their leave. During the year, operating personnel expense totaled $31,276,321 pesos, and the corporate payroll totaled $105,893,117 pesos, a grand total of $137,169,498 pesos.

Note that despite the difficulties of the past year our employees’ salaries and benefits remained the same.

Human resource management

One of our priorities is to achieve fluid communication with all our employees, because this gives us the feedback we need to strengthen our policies and strategies and to find the best way to convey them through actions that strengthen our people’s commitment to the company.

Last year the role of our employees was particularly vital for our results. Despite working in unprecedented conditions, they all showed remarkable reciprocity and a sense of belonging.


Because we could not conduct our annual workplace environment survey last year, the 2019 results remained in effect, with 130 employees participating—60% of the total. Of these, 58% work in our corporate offices and 42% in the different properties (59% were women and 41% were men).

Although most of those surveyed in 2019 found Danhos a good place to work, had a strong sense of belonging, were aware of the performance goals of their area, understood how their work fits into the organizational goals, and believed their immediate superior showed interest in the work they do, most respondents also believed they needed more training to do their job, that there were not enough career opportunities or room for professional advancement, and that employees needed to be appropriately prepared for promotion.

On this basis, and because our Code of Ethics establishes that we should “maintain harmonious and cordial relations for the training and productivity of work teams,” in 2021 we will be addressing these matters, seeking to preserve the climate of trust and mutual respect and permit the free exchange of ideas so that all employees can achieve their fullest potential. To this end, we have a Workforce Planning Policy (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/planeamiento_fuerza_laboral_en.pdf)


During the year, 26 employees left the company (18 men and 8 women), all of them voluntarily, a turnover index of 12.08%. No replacements were hired, however, as our aim was to take advantage of natural attrition in leaving these vacancies open between March and October.

The absenteeism rate was 3.05%, based on 447,480 work hours during the year.

We place fundamental importance on creating a climate of well-being, health and safety, where human rights are fully respected.

Health, safety and human rights

(403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 410-1, 416-1)

We know that service excellence depends largely on our ability to offer conditions that permit our employees to deliver impeccable quality in their day-to-day work. That is why we place fundamental importance on creating a climate of well-being, health and safety, where human rights are fully respected. This is the purpose of our Occupational Health and Safety Policy (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/prevencion_riesgos_laborales_calidad_ambiente_en.pdf), which is overseen by the ESG Committee.

In all of our properties we have civil defense programs led by internal brigades who are fully trained in first aid, firefighting, evacuation, search and rescue, in the event of contingencies on our premises. Additionally, employee onboarding includes a course on accident prevention, direct reporting of incidents, and emergency contacts. In total, all of our employees received occupational health and safety training. Although we do not have a human rights committee, employee training covers business ethics, quality of life and community engagement, led by the Social Responsibility, Business Ethics, Quality of Life and Community Engagement Committees. This is stipulated in our Occupational Risk Environment and Quality Policy (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/prevencion_riesgos_laborales_calidad_ambiente_en.pdf)

In our corporate offices and in our properties we have paramedic services available for initial medical attention. Due to the pandemic, we could not continue our regular programs on prevention of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides, fatty liver, gallstones, anemia, pulmonary embolism, hyperthyroidism, gastritis and colitis, among others, although we plan to resume these in the medium term.

Nevertheless, we took various measures to mitigate and prevent the pandemic in our offices, and publicized them among our stakeholders.

Hygiene measures:

Retrofitting of office spaces and work stations to ensure minimum safe distance between employees.
Entrance checkpoints, supervision, daily monitoring and tracking of employees. Isolation of high-risk and vulnerable individuals.
Introduction of staggered work hours for personnel, guaranteeing observance of all the prevention measures indicated by the IMSS and our internal protocols.
Communication campaigns on social media, our webpage, radio and television.

The following table shows disability leave during the year for work-related risk (WR), general illness (GI) and maternity (MAT). Although by the nature of our business our employees are not exposed to a high risk of accident, there were 11 incapacitating injuries during the year, recorded during travel to and from work, equivalent to 27 days lost, a considerable reduction from the 414 days recorded in 2019, clearly attributable to the reduction in travel during the pandemic.

Nevertheless, the incidence of general illness was fairly high, particularly between September and December, all relating to COVID-19. All of these employees received appropriate medical attention, either through the IMSS or private medical facilities through the insurance that Fibra Danhos offers. Fortunately, we recorded no loss of life due to COVID-19.

Disabilities during the year

Month WR Days GI Days MAT Days
January 0 0 11 53 0 0
February 1 7 14 72 0 0
March 3 5 6 28 0 0
April 4 6 3 20 0 0
May 0 0 2 14 1 84
June 0 0 10 75 0 0
July 0 0 1 5 0 0
August 0 0 7 39 1 84
September 2 7 11 80 0 0
October 1 2 12 84 0 0
November 0 0 25 160 1 84
December 0 0 26 162 0 0
Total 11 27 128 792 3 252

Between December 2020 and March 2021, we introduced a testing program to detect cases of COVID-19 among our employees, taken every 15-20 days. 164 tests were taken and only two were positive.


(404-1, 404-2, 404-3)

Having well-prepared and deeply committed employees whose productivity is sustained by a culture of high performance demands appropriate training. That is why we have a Training, Education and Development Policy (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/formacion_capacitacion_desarrollo_en.pdf), focused on giving employees the tools they need for their professional and personal advancement.

This year we incorporated a new Policy on Prevention of Pyscho-Social Risk Factors (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/politica_nom_en.pdf) based on Mexican standard NOM-035 STPS-2018. All of our employees received training on this new policy. At the same time, we launched a new Human Capital blog, where all of the Danhos family could find information about COVID-19 related events and everyone was encouraged to contribute content and ideas.

The Employee Attention program is another tool available to all of us who might need help in dealing with complicated family and work-related issues that affect our quality of life. It offers holistic wellness benefits through counseling and coaching in areas like family psychology, job benefits, nutrition and wellness.

All employees were required to take a course on “Recommendations for a safe return to work with COVID-19,” which was made available on an online platform called CLIMSS, created by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

The following courses were given in 2020:

Emotional health for ourselves and our work teams in times of COVID-19
Work burnout syndrome
Disruptive humanist leadership: a step toward the new business normal
Autonomy vs. guilt
Initiative vs. guilt
Identity and confusion: intimacy and isolation
2,022 hours of training at a total cost of $ 520,500 pesos: $360,000 in conference cycles and $142,500 in NOM 035 related topics. This is equivalent to $2,273 pesos for each of the 229 employees that attended.

Code of Ethics

(102-17, 102-25, 406-1, 419-1)

A fundamental tool for operations at Fibra Danhos is our Code of Ethics, which applies to all of our stakeholders and is available to them on our webpage. Both suppliers and employees of Fibra Danhos sign in agreement of the code when they begin their relationship with the company. In 2020, the Code was updated, and starting this year every employee must re-certify their commitment to it on an annual basis.

The adjustments to the Code include the incorporation of quality goals, respect for human rights, diversity, professional advancement and training, occupational safety and health, eradication of child labor and slavery, freedom of association, conduct toward clients, tenants, shareholders and employees, and measures to avoid money laundering, terrorism financing, corruption, bribery and influence-peddling. The Code is complemented by Anti-Corruption and Conflict of Interest Codes. (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/politica_anticorrupcion_en.pdf and https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/conflicto_intereses_en.pdf)

We make sure our Code of Ethics is respected at all times through a preventive approach, and we provide tools for employees to report any breach of the Code or to air any concerns they might have. Our Línea Ética hotline is managed by an independent firm, Global Ethics, which is a world-class company that provides ethical reporting help lines, guaranteeing that situations are dealt with impartially. Línea Ética is open not only to employees but to any stakeholder who has a question, complaint or report to make. They can do so through the website https://danhosteescucha.lineaetica.com.mx or by e-mail at danhosteescucha@lineaetica.com.mx

We also developed a Workplace Sexual Harassment Protocol (https://api.fibradanhos.com.mx/static/protocolo_acoso_sexual_en.pdf) to address this type of situation. In 2020 there were no incidents relating to any type of ethical violation nor do we have any pending lawsuits regarding corruption. We received no sanctions or fines for violation of socioeconomic laws and regulations.