Risk management

(102-11, 102-15, 102-30, 103-2, 103-3, 201-2, 205-1, 205-2, 205-3)

The growing complexity and dynamics of the current situation has increased the level of risks companies face. Managing risk has become increasingly important, and obviously 2020 was a year of important lessons in this respect.

For Fibra Danhos, the materiality study we conducted in 2020 has been the primary means for identifying the most relevant risks for our company and for our stakeholder, so that we can manage them appropriately.

We found

priority issues in this materiality study, which can be grouped into the following categories:

  • climate change
  • energy
  • emissions
  • water
  • waste
  • biodiversity
  • Rising temperatures mean we use more energy and water and generate more emissions.
  • Greater environmental impacts, like earthquakes or heavy rainfall, which seriously impact our properties.
  • Water shortage in Mexico City and problems relating to climate change.
  • climate change
  • energy
  • emissions
  • water
  • waste
  • biodiversity
  • Proper management of e-commerce in order to offer users a lifestyle and level of entertainment increasingly aligned with their expectations.
  • Laws and regulations that might affect ownership of our developments.
  • Possible events that violate ethical standards, like corruption or bribery, committed by one of our employees.
  • Unexpected events that affect health or the financial climate.
  • Rising crime rates in Mexico City, which necessitates additional private security services in our shopping centers, to protect our users.

In the event of situations under our control, we have policies for addressing each of them, which apply to all of our employees and stakeholders. The short-term challenge is identifying those most likely to occur, and whose impact on our company could be significant. To this end, company directors undergo biyearly training in the various environmental and governance risks the FIBRA faces.