SASB Indicators

The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) has identified a minimum set of sustainability issues that are most likely to affect the operating or financial performance of a typical company in a given industry, regardless of its location.

For the first time, this report incorporates some SASB Sustainability standards for the Real-Estate industry, version 2018-10.

Description Indicator Page
Energy management
Energy consumption data coverage as a percentage of total floor area, by property subsector IF-RE-130a.1 35
(1) Total energy consumed by portfolio area; (3) percentage renewable IF-RE-130a.2 35
Percentage of eligible portfolio that (1) has an energy rating IF-RE-130a.4 36
Water management
Water withdrawal data coverage as a percentage of total leasable area IF-RE-140a.1 36
Management of Tenant Sustainability Impacts
Percentage of tenants that are separately metered or submetered for grid electricity consumption and water withdrawals IF-RE-410a.2 36